Wednesday, February 23, 2005

sorry to leave you in the dark...

There really hasnt been a whole lot happening. everything is getting resettled now that the new semester has started. A bunch of new kids moved in and the last of the old kids have left. it was quite sad. i'm slowly making new friends though. its a bit more difficult because i still have old friends left so that sense of desperation is gone. i'm being more selective in my friends. but so far everyone is pretty darn cool. there are a lot of canadians americans and irish running around now. its fun. classes seem to be going okay. i think i'll like them. i have 10 classes. which is a lot. but most of them arent for the whole semester. instead they're for part of the semester... this week i have 10 hours of one class and then its over. its a really cool class too. its called Football Cultures and Identity. I'm learning a lot about football and at the end of the semester i have to hand in a 5000 word paper. just that is an achievement in itself! another class i'm taking is Gender Issues in psychology. that is only 7 weeks long or so. 2 hours a week. the prof is really interested in the material and the class is very interesting. I'm also taking a course in Greek, Roman, and Hellinistic Art and a Painting and Sculpture in Italy class. I'm taking mostly anth classes though. I've got Medical Anth, Feminism and Anth, Media and Anth and i think thats it... i'm probably forgetting some though.
Last night i went salsa dancing with my flatmates. it was a lot of fun. one of the clubs in paceville has salsa lessons every tuesday night. we learned a little salsa and had a really good time. I'm not a very good dancer as it turns out though and spent most of the evening tripping on my own big feet! it was a little embarassing but no one really kne what they were doing... so i was in good company. :-)
It hasnt rained here in a few days which is good news. it was pouring pretty hard for a while there. my room flooded a few times and the roads were swamped to the point that water was coming in under the bus doors. it made getting around really hard and uncomfortable. i didnt like it. but, for now the sun is out. and hopefully thats the last we will see of the storm clouds.
tonight my friend Chris is making dinner for everyone. We've been casually taking turns making a really nice chicken dinner for a large group. its really nice to sit down and have a real meal cooked by someone else. And tomorrow will be a lot of fun i think. we are going to Mdina. on a scavenger hunt organised by the international club here. we get free wine and pastizzi. i love pastizzi. its definatly my favorite. i'll miss it. and i'll miss the Fruity Multivitamin Juice... who knew a juice stored in the cupboard could tast so darn good?! it does. i need to drink more of it too, because i'm getting sick... again. :-( the new kids brought disease with them, i'm sure. thats all i have for now. take care


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